Dr. Tim Garofolo and his team are CEREC certified providers that utilize CEREC technology for restoring teeth requiring crowns, bridges, or implants. This technology allows us the capability of treating, designing, and milling out your crown/s in just one visit. By using digital videos, we have eliminated the need for messy impressions. Same day means no need for plastic temporary crowns nor a second visit for the cementation of the crown. Everything is done start to finish chair-side which means you leave with a precision fitting, metal-free, all porcelain, tooth-colored crown that fits perfectly! Call The Dentistry Collective today at 858-376-4019 to make your reservation with our dentist and learn more about CEREC in San Diego and Rancho Bernardo, California.
Please note that a team member will contact you to confirm your requested reservation date. For an even faster response, please call our office at 858-376-4019.
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11610 Iberia Place, Suite 202 San Diego, CA 92128
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11610 Iberia Place, Suite 202
San Diego, CA 92128
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