Prevention is the most effective way of diagnosing and treating oral cancer. We take this very seriously at San Diego Dentistry Studio. At your initial exam, Dr. Tim Garofolo will perform a very thorough oral cancer screening of both the soft tissues (gums, tongue, cheeks, roof of the mouth), and the hard tissues (jawbones, dental structures of the head and neck). Our 3-D CT scanner allows us to take the most accurate look at your dental anatomy to scan for any anomalies. Our hygienists also perform oral cancer screenings at each of your routine cleaning exams. Not all forms of oral cancer can be seen visually; however, we can drastically reduce the risk of oral cancer in our patients by performing these screenings consistently. Call our dental studio at 858-451-2555 to make your appointment with our dentist and learn more about oral cancer screening in San Diego and Rancho Bernardo, California.
Oral cancer includes cancers of the lips, tongue, floor of the mouth, cheeks, throat (pharynx), sinuses, and hard and soft palate. While oral cancer can usually be successfully treated when detected early, most cases of oral cancer are not detected until they have progressed into a more serious, advanced stage that is much more difficult to treat. In fact, oral cancer may be life threatening. At our office, we are dedicated to doing all we can to detect and treat oral cancers and other abnormalities at the earliest possible stage. During your routine dental cleanings and exams at our office, our dentist and team will perform an oral cancer screening to check for the signs of oral cancer.
The following are common symptoms of oral cancer:
While our team will perform a screening for oral cancer to check for these and other symptoms, we encourage you to contact us if you notice any of these problems or if you experience any other type of dental pain. We are committed to helping you stay in good health.