
Sleep bruxism, a condition where you clench or grind your teeth while sleeping, can cause jaw disorders, headaches and damaged teeth, and it often leads to other sleep problems like sleep apnea and snoring. Unfortunately, self-diagnosing sleep bruxism can be hard – you’re asleep when a large part of the problem is occurring. For this reason, it’s important to watch for the following indicators of the disorder:

  • Face or neck soreness
  • Earache-like pain, but no actual earache
  • Headaches or dull pain in the temples
  • Soreness or locking in the jaw or jaw muscles
  • Chipped, fractured, loose, or otherwise damaged teeth
  • Grinding or clenching teeth
  • Noticeably heightened sensitivity or pain in your teeth
  • Scars or damage from chewing your cheeks
  • Sleep problems or interruptions

If you are experiencing several of these symptoms, you may be feeling the effects of sleep bruxism. We encourage you to call our office at 858-451-2555 now to set up a sleep bruxism consultation at our San Diego, California, office with our dentist, Dr. Tim Garofolo. Because sleep bruxism can have far-reaching effects, it’s important to get ahead of the problem. When you come into our office, every team member of The Dentistry Collective in San Diego will give you the excellent service you deserve.

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